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Re: Topband: Easy-to-learn 160 contest logging program?

Subject: Re: Topband: Easy-to-learn 160 contest logging program?
From: Bill Cromwell <>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 15:16:58 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 12/04/2013 01:12 PM, Mike Waters wrote:
Thanks for all the recommendations for N1MM, but I am just unable to
install it on my shack's Linux computer. Under WINE, I get a database
run-time error after I do the latest update. And there's something wrong
with my Virtualbox Windows XP installation on that machine that I don't
have time to fix.

How about Trlog for DOS? There is NO price or purchase info at, nor does it say what contests the free version

I'll look at the others soon.

73, Mike

N1MM doesn't run in WINE on my Linux computers, either. I'm using paper 
at the moment. It always works the way you want and you don't have to 
reboot it <evil grin>. As for serious contesters...I ain't ever going to 
win one because I don't care enough. I get into some of them for a 
little while, give up some QSOs (being generous with that Q signal) and 
then go find something else to do. Paper works fine for me. Professional 
contesters will have to continue the hunt for logging programs that work 
other than in Windows if thats what they want.

Bill  KU8H
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