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Re: Topband: DX Window-Redux

Subject: Re: Topband: DX Window-Redux
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 16:22:33 -0800
List-post: <">>
On 12/6/2012 1:23 PM, Tom W8JI wrote:
It seems to me the ARRL intended it as a local **ARRL** sectional 
contest, not as a worldwide DX contest to encourage DX participation. 
It is more like a sweepstakes contest keyed to sections.
That makes no sense -- DX contacts are weighted 2.5x US/VE contacts, and 
there are country multipliers.  It's much closer to being the ARRL DX 
Contest for 160M.
1.) I think there should be a DX Window of some sort so stations located inland have some improved shot at hearing DX away from strong local signals. I do not think the idea to completely eliminate the window was, overall, a good" idea. I think it was done primarily from the view or perspective of people on the east coast with large stations, and without due consideration of how eliminating a window impacts everyone else.
I found a year old post that confirms your suspicions.  See quote below.

If it had not been for the window I could not have worked what I have on
160. I would say it had gotten me at least a dozen new ones. One year I
remember giving ON4UN Zone 3 in the window.
I wish you could walk in my shoes once and do a 160 contest from out here.
It might enlighten you.
73 Hardy N7RT

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Crovelli"<>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:19 AM
Subject: Topband: DX Window No Long Relevant

As a courtesy, last weekend our Multi operation, as a courtesy,  refrained
from calling CQ in what some still consider the DX Window (1830 - 1835).

BUT lets be realistic here, this is 2011, not 1961.  Split operation, a
necessary operating technique of the W1BB era is no longer necessary.
Frequency allocations between ITU regions and individual countries have
become more aligned.  All world class radios have narrow filtering
capability, etc. fully capable of handling the worst pileups.

The need for a "window" has diminished to the point it has become
irrelevant in today's world.

Only the ARRL seems to hold onto the notion of a DX window in their 160
contest rules, but they are well known for there slowness to react to
current world realities.

So.... I vote we assume THE 160M DX WINDOW is DEAD and move on to topics
which might have significantly more value to the masses.


John W2GD/P40W

=   =   =   =   =   =   =

My comments:

In the context of 160M, Maine, VE1, VY0, and VY2 are DX if you're operating from California. VY2 is closer to Oslo, Dublin, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Madrid than he is to me, and the path to those cities is only 300 miles longer from Boston. Their path to EU is all water, and not over the pole. My path to them is over dirt.
So if we're gonna have a DX window, how about one where west coaster 
with less than a superstation can call CQ with a chance to work the east 
coast?  And while we're at it, how about 5 points/QSO for the west coast 
working the east coast?
73, Jim K9YC
Topband reflector -

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