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Re: Topband: DX window

Subject: Re: Topband: DX window
From: Steve HA0DU <>
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2012 21:29:38 +0100
List-post: <">>
Dear TopBanders,

My license says CW can be used from 1810 kHz up to the end of the band. However, no Phone modes are allowed below 1840 kHz. I am sure most European licenses are similar. IARU Region 1 bandplan says all modes between 1810 kHz and the upper end of the band - so let's talk ONLY about SSB in the CW portion and not the other way around. CW on 1875 kHz is legit. SSB on 1823 isn't. Monitoring an SSB contest needs human resources. "Three verifiable complaints" is not good enough, as it would lead to a very high number of "complaints". IMHO the organizers of the contest should appoint monitoring stations.
The same should be applied on 40 meters, where QSX listening on 7015 - 
7035 in CQWW was quite common...
But let me provoke you: How many serious SSB contest on 160 meters? Two? 
Three? Why can't the mazochists contesting on 160 SSB have the whole 
band for 6 days in a year?
73 Steve HA0DU

On 05/12/2012 21:01, Ian Wade G3NRW wrote:
___Original Message_________________________________________
From: Tom W8JI <>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012   Time: 12:54:35

Without working together, we need the Government to make rules and
impose penalties.

I'm not sure that Government intervention is a very good idea (it
certainly wouldn't be in this country!), but you hit the nail fair and
square on the head when you talk about penalties.

The contest rule makers should get real tough about stations who
persistently work in the "wrong" part of the bands during contests. In
CW contests we've all heard CW signals stomping all over the phone end
of the band. In phone contests we've all heard phone stations all over
the bottom part of the band. In RTTY contests ... well, we all know what
happens there.

"Three verifiable complaints and you're out" should be the rule. With
SDR receivers available these days, that shouldn't be too difficult to

Topband reflector -

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