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Re: Topband: Europrean SDR on 160M

To: <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Europrean SDR on 160M
From: "Jacques RAMBAUD" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 17:53:05 -0000
List-post: <">>
If I understand correctly you can make DX qso even if you do not hear the DX station at all from your QTH ???
Jacques F6BKI

----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 12:08 PM
Subject: Topband: Europrean SDR on 160M

Last night I was alerted by Gus VO1MP of some new SDR websites in Europe . Check HB9FX: and also a seven rx site in Trent at:
It was facinating to listen to 160M from a receiver based in Europe. 
Tremendously strong sigs in the PC speaker.   I called CQ on 1815 and worked 
a few Eu stations by listening to their signals on the European SDR  not on 
my shack rx.  The guys I worked were good copy on my K9AY and FT1KMP but I 
just turned down the AF gain.   I could also hear my own signal coming back 
through the SDR even though I could only see the faintest of lines on the 
waterfall display.   Surprising to me were the many NA stations very strong 
with me not being heard on the Eu SDR.  Don't know yet what kind of antennas 
are being used over there.
This may be old news to many  but check it out!

73 Frank VO1HP


"160-meters is a band for men, not for sissies!" - SM5EDX

"160-meters is a band for men, not for sissies!" - SM5EDX
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