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Topband: 160 Meters and Loran

Subject: Topband: 160 Meters and Loran
From: Ed Lesnichy <>
Reply-to: Ed Lesnichy <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 14:42:56 +0000
List-post: <>
It is a lot of years LORAN was the big problem for HAMs
on reception of weak signals on 160ΠΌ.

(~1.3MB) John A. Pierce has written in the memoirs abt Long Range
Navigation system (LORAN) and why it has appeared on TOP's range.

In Chapter 13 (p 165) his wrote:
"Because the war had made it necessary to forbid amateur radio
operation, we found it convenient to make a further move into the
former amateur "160-meter band" where Loran remained for many years."

John Alvin Pierce(1907-1996) is generally credited as being the father
of LORAN (and, for that matter, VLF's OMEGA) in the United States.

He had amateur radio license in 1923-27 (but I have not found
J.Pierce's callsign). See Chapter 3 (p 22)

J.Pierce was in the Soviet Union. In 1936 John Pierce had first(?)
DXpedition to Soviet Union's republic Kazakhstan at Ak-Bulak (now UN)
- callsign was URAD (under the Eclipse Expedition - see Chapter 7)

73! Ed RU6LA

P.S. As has informed Vlad UA6LV, propagation was bad to NA - he has after
the first night only 4 US's mults in CQ WW 160

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