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Topband: Titanex V160HD

To: <>
Subject: Topband: Titanex V160HD
From: (G3SVL)
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 21:16:13 +0000
 >is there anybody who use the titanex v160hd antenna .....

Hi Andree

I have one and it's does what I want. I leave mine cranked down in 
neighbour-friendly mode and then just wind it up when I want to use it. 
Takes less than 5 mins to raise or lower. I use mine unguyed all the time - 
in moderate winds it bends a lot and starts heading towards an inverted L.

Like all verticals it needs a good radial system and be aware that an 87ft 
vertical on 160m is still a short antenna. I have top-loaded mine by 
putting either a single wire (inv L) or two wire (T) at the top. It works 
better in these configurations as you would expect but requires one or two 
more supports and leaves wires all over the lawn when its cranked 
down.  It's a killer on 80m with a good radial system.

e-mail direct if you want more info

73  Chris G3SVL

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