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Topband: Shunt feeding a tower with side mounted Yagi

To: <>
Subject: Topband: Shunt feeding a tower with side mounted Yagi
From: (Preston Smith)
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 03:24:12 +0100
7 or 8 years ago on 160m ssb I overheard an N5 describe
his experience with a side mounted Yagi on a tower with
HF beams on top that served as a 160m tx ant.

Details are forgotten but he added a side mounted 40m
beam below the top.  The tower continued to load on
160 but his signal was down 10-15 dB in Europe.
Insulating the 40m boom from the tower restored
performance on 160.

Before and after field strength measurements should
indicate if this degradation is present in other

Pres  N6SS

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