Adjust the ALC SET pot (R179) on the A5 IF Board, beneath the speaker.
Sinisa YT1NT, VE3EA
----- Originalna poruka -----
PoĊĦiljalac: Steve Narducci <>
Datum: Nedelja, Februar 7, 2010 22:07
Tema: [TenTec] Orion 2 output power
Primalac: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment' <>
> I picked up a second hand Orion 2 six months ago.
> The output power is off on its reading as I am sure the previous owner
> played with this.
> While reading 65 watts it really puts out 100W.
> It will go way above 100W if I run her up.
> However, I really want to bring it back into specs.
> Anyone have a how-to guide on doing that?
> Thanks in advanced!
> Steve W9SN
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