Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC NA Sprint Practice, 3/4/11
K4BAI 39 31 1,229 SOLP 0:39 GA SECC
2. ARRL DX Contest, Phone
TI8M 7421 327 7,280,001 M/2 HP 48 TI SECC Ops: W4BW,
WW4LL 2542 497 3,773,721 M/S HP 48 GA SECC Ops: K4BAI,
KY5R 1981 447 2,653,839 M/2 HP 30 AL ACG Ops: K3IE,
K4AB 2001 387 2,323,161 SOABHP 43 AL ACG
N4KG 1021 406 1,243,578 SOAB(A)HP 32.3 AL ACG
NF4A 1147 346 1,190,586 SOAB(A)HP 23.2 FL ACG
KT4ZB 1029 336 1,036,224 SOABLP 32 GA SECC
N4XL 1085 320 1,033,920 SOABLP 33.5 SC SECC
KR4F 748 382 857,208 SOAB(A)HP 35 AL ACG
K4TD 583 319 556,964 SOAB(A)HP 17 AL ACG
N4PN 1617 116 547,056 SOSB/15HP 22 GA SECC
AK4I 562 260 438,360 SOAB(A)HP 20 GA SECC
K1ZZI 384 268 308,736 SOAB(A)HP 7 GA SECC
WF4W 426 217 277,326 SOAB(A)HP 11.5 GA SECC
KJ4EX 441 184 243,432 SOABLP 22.25 GA SECC
N4BCD 345 204 211,140 SOAB(A)HP 12 AL ACG
N4NM 348 196 204,036 SOAB(A)HP 8:30 AL ACG
W4AX 297 217 193,347 SOAB(A)HP 10 GA SECC Ex: WB4MAK
AA4V 507 125 188,250 SOAB(A)HP 5 SC CDXA
W4SVO 526 79 124,425 SOSB/10HP 17 FL FCG
K4WI 462 76 104,880 SOSB/10LP 20 AL ACG
NV4B 327 147 104,517 SOABLP 9:20 AL ACG
W4IX 426 74 94,572 SOSB/10LP 17 SC SECC
N4JIK 220 140 92,400 SOAB(A)LP __ AL SECC
KC4YBO 185 119 66,045 SOABHP 12 GA SECC
KM4JA 184 102 56,304 SOABLP 10 AL ACG
KB4KBS 125 89 33,108 SOAB(A)LP 10.5 GA SECC
W4QNW 152 70 31,710 SOSB/80HP 23 SC SECC
WA2MBP 116 90 31,320 SOSB/15LP 4.25 GA SECC
KS4L 79 49 11,466 SOABLP 2.7 AL ACG
AG4W 41 33 4,059 SOSB/160HP 6 AL ACG
3. March Adventure Radio Society QRP Spartan Sprint
AA4GA 19 19 SOQRP5W 2.0 GA SECC No 80m Ant.
4. CWOps Club March CWT 1100Z
W4BQF 32 25 800 SOHP 1.0 GA
This week's contests:
1. Today-Wednesday local time 0300-0359Z Thursday. CWOps Club CWT Mini
Test. 20, 40, 80M CW only. Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC.
2. 40M QRP Fox Hunt. Thursday night local, Friday 0200-0330Z. 7030 to
7050 kHz. Two QRP Foxes will be hiding somewhere in those frequencies.
Exchange: RST, SPC, name, power. Work only the two foxes. Maximum
power: 5W. Foxes will be KI0II, Ron in CO and AB9CA, Dave, in AL.
Dave may be a bit close for 40M at night, but Ron should be at a good
skip distance.
3. NCCC NA Sprint Practice. 0200-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local).
20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W maximum power One kHz QSY rule. Limit
speed to 20 WPM for first ten minutes and 26 WPM for second ten minutes.
No limit thereafter. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC.
4. North American Sprint RTTY Practice: Friday local, 0230-0300Z Sat.
Usual NA Sprint RTTY rules.
5. Antique Wireless Association John Rollins Memorial DX Contest. 23Z
Wed to 23Z Thurs and 23Z Sat to 23Z Sun. 40/20M CW. Exchange: RST +
equipment type + equipment year.
6. RSGB Commonwealth Contest (BERU). This is a closed contest among
stations in the British Commonwealth, not including the US since the
Colonial Revolution. 10Z Sat to 10Z Sun. 80-10M CW. Exchange: RST +
serial #.
7. AGCW QRP Contest. 14-20Z Sat. 80-10M CW. Exchange: RST + QSO # +
class + AGCW# or "NM." Classes: VLP = 1 watt or less. QRP = 5W or
less. MP = 25W or less. QRP = over 25W.
8. QRP ARCI HF Grid Square Sprint. 15-18Z Sat. 160-10M CW. Exchange:
RST + 4 character Grid Squear, + QRPARCI # or power.
9. EA (Spain) PSK31 Contest. 16Z Sat to 16Z Sun. 80-10M PSK31.
Exchange: RST + Serial # or EA province code.
10. Idaho QSO Party. 19Z Sat to 19Z Sun. All bands except WARC, CW,
Phone, Digital. Exchange: RS(T) + SPC or Idaho County.
11. National Contest Journal North American Sprint, RTTY. 00-04Z Sun
(Sat night local). 20, 40, 80M RTTY. Exchange: both calls, #, name,
SPC. Team competition. If interested in a team, e-mail K4BAI right away.
12. SKCC Weekend Sprint (WES). 24 hours of Sunday UTC. 160-6M CW.
Use a mechanical key. Exchange: RST + Name + SPC + SKCC# or "None."
Bonus station is said to be "Joerg, SCCC # 7150T" but they forgot to
list his call. He is a German operator.
13. UBA (Belgian) Spring Contest. 07-11Z Sun. 80M CW. Exchange: RST
+ # + UBA Section for ON stations.
14. Nova Scotia Contest. 11-15Z and 17-21Z Sunday. 80M CW/Phone.
Exchange: RS(T) + NS county or RS(T) only for stations outside NS.
15. Wisconsin QSO Party. 18Z Sun to 01Z Mon. All bands except WARC,
CW, Phone. Exchange: SPC or WI county. Note that a score summary is
required and a summary sheet can be downloaded from a link from the
rules page.
16. NAQCC-EU March Sprint. 18-20Z Sun. 80, 40, 20M CW. 5W maximum
power. Exchange: RST + Country + NAQCC# or power.
17. Tuesday night 80M QRP Fox Hunt. Same rules as for the 40M QRP Fox
Hunt on Thursday except the frequency range is 3550-3570 kHz.
18. March North American QRP CW Club Straight Key/Bug Sprint.
0030-0230 Thursday March 17 (Wed local). Use 5W or less and a
mechanical key. Exchange: RST + SPC + NAQCC# or power.
This is my weekend to work up information for the tax accountant and I
will probably be busy most of Saturday with that annual chore. Perhaps
I can get in part of the SKCC WES and/or the WI QSO Party. Hope
everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs.
I regret to note that our SECC member and active VHF contester, Steven
C. Adams, K4RF of Cornelia or Lula, GA was killed in an ATV accident at
or near his home last Friday. Funeral was Monday in Cornelia. Steve
had been a SECC member since shortly after its founding. He was a
member of the Georgia Bar, the judge of the Municipal Court of Cornelia,
and a part president of the Cornelia Rotary Club. He was 61 years old.
Sympathy is extended to Steve's family and friends. RIP.
73, John, K4BAI.