1. NCCC Sprint Ladder 2/25/11
W4NZ 39 25 975 SOLP 0.5 TN TCG SO2R
K4BAI 18 16 288 SOLP 0:13 GA SECC
2. NCJ February North American QSO Party, RTTY
WA1FCN 493 130 64,090 SOLP 10 AL ACG
N4KG 281 99 27,819 SOLP 5.5 AL ACG
KE4KWE 257 87 22,359 SOLP 6 AL ACG
KB4KBS 205 88 18,040 M/2LP 10 GA SECC +PKT
W4NZ 168 74 12,432 SOLP 3:45 TN TCG TCG#3
KI4EEY 51 24 1,224 SOLP 2 AL ACG
3. CQ 160 Meter Contest, SSB
N4PN 1486 58 65 641,937 SOHP 28 GA SECC At W8JI
NQ4I 1224 57 60 436,410 MOHP 28 GA SECC By K4NV, N4DA
W4SVO 659 55 56 225,219 SO(A)HP 22.5 FL SECC*
KY5R 542 55 41 156,768 SOHP 10.25 AL ACG
W4IX 492 57 19 90,288 SO(A)LP 18 SC SECC
N4BCD 447 52 24 89,072 SO(A)HP 12 AL ACG
KU8E 330 50 23 65,700 SOLP 14:46 GA SECC
NF4A 175 48 21 38,088 SOLP 7 FL ACG
AG4W 175 45 18 30,744 SO(A)HP 3.5 AL ACG
N4NM 172 50 6 22,400 SOHP 5 AL ACG
K4WI 195 39 5 19,008 SOLP 3 AL ACG
KR4F 136 47 7 17,442 SO(A)LP 7 AL ACG
KG4IGC 123 34 4 10,564 SQRP 15:05 SC LCCC
WA4LR 85 (43) 8,729 SOHP 5 AL ACG
4. Mississippi QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mul Score Category Time St Club Misc
K4ZGB/M 388 6 48 18,912 MobLP 6:45 MS ACG 11 counties
W4UCZ 36 0 32 1,152 SO LP _ GA SECC
N4UC 28 10 27 1,026 SO LP 4 AL ACG
N4JF 13 21 24 816 SO QRP 3 AL ACG
K4BAI 1 0 1 1 SO HP 0:01 GA SECC
5. North Carolina QSO Party
K4BAI 60 69 47 15,237 SOMix LP 3:54 GA SECC
W4UCZ 71 0 34 7,342 SO CW LP 7 GA SECC
N4JF 46 28 34 6,596 SOMix QRP 4 AL ACG
N4UC 43 5 24 3,436 SOMix LP 4 AL ACG
6. UBA DX (Belgium) Contest
N4NO 301 79 91,052 SOABHP 10 AL ACG
K4BAI 300 95 81,700 SOABHP 6:44 GA SECC
7. REF (France) Contest, SSB
K4BAI 18 18 936 SOABHP 0:27 GA SECC
8. Colorado QRP Club (CQC) Winter QSO Sprint
K4BAI 11 x 9 x 11 4,752 SOQRP5W 1:18 GA SECC
Congrats to all for some very fine scores, particularly WA1FCN in NAQP
RTTY and many in CQ 160 SSB.
This week's Contests:
1. 40M QRP Fox Hunt. Thursday night local, 0200-0330Z Friday.
7030-7050 kHz. CW. 5W maximum power. Look for two foxes and work only
the two foxes. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power.
2. NCCC North American Sprint Practice. The latest ladder series wound
up last week. Practices continue. This week for one hour. 0200-0259Z
Friday (Thursday night local). 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100 W maximum
power. Keep speeds under 20 WPM for first ten minutes and under 26 WPM
for the second ten minutes. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls,
#, name, SPC. No prizes, but report scores to 3830.
3. ARRL International DX Contest, SSB. 48 hours of weekend UTC.
160-10M SSB. Exchange: RS + S/P and get RS + power from DX stations.
This is an immensely popular contest in the US with a club aggregate
score competition. WW4LL will be QRV as a multi single with WW4LL,
N4LR, KU8E, and K4BAI operating. KY5R will be hosting a multi op (M/2?)
at his station. Please participate as much as you can and submit your
scores for your club (175 mile circle residency and operating required,
except for DXpeditions). W4BW and others from SECC will be QRV from
TI8M in Costa Rica.
4. Open Ukranian RTTY Championship. Three sessions: 2000-2159Z Sat
(low band); 2200-2359Z Sun. (low band). 0800-1159Z Sun (high band).
160-10M RTTY. Exchange: 2 letter QTH abbreviation (for US send your
state abbreviation). Work station once per band and per period.
Restart serial # for high band session. I believe everyone can work
everyone. Note rules for frequencies to be used on each band.
5. March Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint. 0200-0400Z Tuesday
(Monday night local). 80-10M CW. 5W maximum. Exchange: RST + SPC +
Power. Include total weight of your station (or 30#+) with your
internet score report.
6. Tuesday night 80M QRP Sprint. Same as 40M on Thursday night except
frequencies are 3550-3570 kHz.
7. CWOps Club Mini Tests. Wednesday 1100Z, 19Z, and 03Z Thursday (Wed
night local). 20, 40, 80M CW. Exchange: RST + CWOps # or State.
Frequencies generally 018 to 028 on each band. Non members: This is a
good opportunity to get an invitation to membership in the CWOps club.
Look at the home page for CWOps for full information. Bob, WA4WLI, was
QRV in two of the three mini tests last month and has already received
his invitation to membership. Congratulations, Bob!
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.
Especially, wish good luck to the operators and clubs for ARRL DX CW
this weekend.
73, John, K4BAI.