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[SECC] SNS Thursday Night Announcment

Subject: [SECC] SNS Thursday Night Announcment
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 09:50:45 -0400
On behalf of W9RE:

Announcing the NCCC's (Northern California Contest Club) weekly Thursday
night running of the SNS.

The Slow Speed NS practice is 15 minutes, from 0200z thru 0214z (Friday
UTC, Thursday
local time).  That's starting at 7:00 PM PDT - 10:00 EDT local time 

Max speed 23WPM.

Bands will be 20, 40 and 80 meters (around 3540, 7040 and 14040).  Start on
20 then 40 and finally 80 (maybe 5 minutes each).

In the SNS dupes are allowed (dupe allowed after 1 intervening Q) so you
are allowed to work the same station again as long as you have worked
another station in between.

Jim N3BB

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