Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. YO (Romanian) HF DX Contest
N4PN 717 107 231,984 SOSB/20HP 16 GA
K4BAI 439 103 155,015 SOABHP 14:26 GA
2. Slovenia Contest Club (SCC) RTTY Contest
K9MUG 518 155 192,045 SOABHP 12 AL
K4HMB 222 110 60,830 SOABHP 8 NC (SECC)
3. NCCC North American Sprint Practice 8/29
K4BAI 42 21 882 SOLP 0.5 GA
K1ZZI 30 13 390 SOLP 0.5 GA
4. August Straight Key Century Club Weekday Sprint (SKS)
K4ZGB 46 24 1,324 SOLP 2.0 AL
5. Michigan QRP Club Labor Day Sprint
K4BAI 89 34 7,344 QRP5W 3:46 GA
6. September ARS Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 47 47 TubbyQRP5W 2.0 GA
This Week's Contests:
1. SNS Slow Speed NA Sprint Practice. Thursday local, Friday
0200-0215Z. 80, 40, 20 CW. Maximum power 100W. Maximum speed: 23
WPM. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Dupes OK after one
intervening QSO. One kHz QSY rule.
2. NCCC North American Sprint Practices (NS). Thursday and Friday
local (Friday and Saturday UTC, 0230-0259). 80, 40, 20 CW. Any legal
power. No dupes permitted. QSY 1 kHz to QSO and 5 kHZ to CQ. Mults
count once per practice, not per band. Exchange: both calls, #, name,
SPC. Try to get on and check out your logging program in preparation
for the real Sprint Saturday night.
3. All Asia DX Contest, Phone. 48 hours of Sat and Sun UTC. 80-10M
Phone. Exchange: RS + Age (or "00" for YLs).
4. Russian RTTY WW Contest. 80-10M RTTY. 24 hours of Sat UTC.
Exchange: RS + CQ Zone or Russian 2 letter Oblast Abbreviation.
5. FISTS CW Club G3ZQS International Memorial Straight Key Contest.
23Z Fri to 23Z Sun. 80-10M CW. RST + SPC + name + FISTS# or power.
Anyone can participate, but you must use a Stright Key and state the
straight key used on your entry for awards.
6. RSGB and Region One IARU SSB Field Day. 13Z Sat to 1259Z Sun.
80-10M SSB. Exchange: RS + Serial #.
7. North American Sprint CW. 00-04Z Sun (Sat night local). 80, 40,
20M CW. Any legal power. Exchange: Both calls, #, name, SPC. QSY
rule: If you solicit a call y any means, including completion of a QSO
where the frequency was inherited, you must QSY at least 1 kHz before
calling a station or at least 5 kHz before soliciting other calls. Once
a station is required to QSY, that station is not allowed to make
another QSO on the vacated frequency until you make at least one QSO on
another frequency. Mults count once for the whole contest. Dupes not
allowed for credit. E-mail KU8E promptly to join a South East Sprint
Coaltition team. (ku8e at
8. Tennessee QSO Party. 18Z Sun to 03Z Mon. CW, Ph, Dig. 160-UHF.
Exchange: RS(T) + SPC or TN county. W4NZ says all counties may be
I will try to be QRV Friday night and Saturday part time in CW and Phone
contests, but will miss the first half, at least, of the Sprint and
won't be QRV on Sunday, so will miss all of TQP. Note that there is a
team competition in the TQP. Teams consist of five members of a club
either inside or outside the state. They do not need to be registered
in advance. SECC has won this club competition at least once. It would
be interesting if ACG and/or SECC entered teams or perhaps a join entry
if there aren't enough for separate teams. However, I'd think there
would be enough for a team from each club.
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. 73, John,