To clear things up a bit, It is my understanding that W4OC is the
moderator of this reflector. However, I continue to get emails from
Hal stating that unless I stop with persoal attacks, I will be removed
from the reflector. Why am I not getting such emails from the
moderator himself if this is indeed a problem, which I disagree with.
My direct emails to W4OC never are replied to.
I sure hope Ed Sleight is getting the same emails from Hal as I am as
he is taking way more of a direct nature in his personal attacks than
I am. I have not personally attacked anyone. In my last message, in
reply to Jeff's post, I merely quoted a personal attack on me made by
a direct quote of K4SB. if K4SB has such a big problem with me, I
suggest he take it to private and I will do the same. However, he
continues to belittle every post of of mine on every relflector we
mutual susbscrive to. I am sorry I don't have the wealth of
experience that this OM does. But I can't learn if I don't ask or am
discouraged by curmudgeons.
I'm sorry if I don't have the answers to every question I have. Up
until recently, I'd been out of the hobby for quie a few years. This
is no reason for K4SB to call me an idiot repeatedly and imply that I
should not have a license.
These reflectors were created to ask questions and share ideas. If I
can't ask a simple question without getting ridiculed, then something,
other than my stopping with my questions, needs to change.
I hope to hear from W4OC and no more threats from N4GG.
<>< JT Croteau - W6FO - Canton, GA