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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed Oct 20 09:55:33 2004
1.  JARTS Worldwide RTTY Contest.
K9MUG/4  945  231  571,494     SOABHP     32 hours
K4SB     524  140  192,640     SOABLP     16 hours
K4AQ      49   26    2,574     SOABQRP     5.7

2.  Illinois QSO Party
Call  CW QSOs  Ph QSOs  Total Qs  Mults  Score   Category    Time
K4BAI 229      75       304       97     51,701  HP          8
K4AQ   87       0        87       53      9,222  QRP         6.3
KU8E   86      23       109       46      8,970  LP          2.9

3.  Worked All Germany
N4GG  121                         57     20,691  SOABHP      5     SO2R
K4BAI  54

4.  FOC Bill Windle QSO Party
Call   FOC QSOs/FOC members    NonMember QSOs/Non members worked Total
K4BAI  243/149                 87/68                             330  HP
KU8E                                                              32  LP
N4GG                                                              15  HP

I know I don't yet have the RTTY score from WX4TM and there were
probably others who haven't posted yet.

Hope everyone has a good week.


John, K4BAI.

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