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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests
From: k4no at (Greg Richard)
Date: Wed Oct 6 19:37:30 2004
The SECC total based on the numbers John reported below total  715,549
Last year, the winning club the TCG won with 701,572.  There are still a
couple of SECC scores still out there.  Looks like a great effort by the
SECC (man, I feel bad that I didnt' put in more time)

We need to make sure everyone submits a log  is the email

I don't know how the TCG did but there are some big scores out of VE3 land..

Greg K4NO

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Laney" <>
To: "secc" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:25 AM
Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

> 1.  California QSO Party
> Call    CW QSOs  Ph QSOs  Total  Mults  Score    Category   Time   Notes
> N4PN    378      591      969    58     134,328  HP         23
> K4BAI   395      348      743    56     105,336  HP         15.3
> AA4GA   268      324      592    57      82,764  LP         ?
> N4GG    291      173      464    55      67,045  HP         12     SO2R
> AE4Y    258      155      413    54      58,536  LP         12
> WA4TII    0      370      370    56      41,440  HP         ?
> K4PIC    96      173      269    52      32,968  HP         ?
> NF4A     86      175      261    53      32,224  LP         4.6    FL
> NA4BW   123      141      264    49      31,899  QRP        8.5
> WW4LL   113      120      233    47      27,213  LP         11
> W4BQF   178        0      178    47      25,632  HP CW      7
> K4AQ    121       19      140    44      17,644  QRP        12.4
> WB4SQ    63       85      148    49      17,591  LP         5.5
> K4NO     52       83      135    48      15,456  LP         3
> W3DCG   115        0      115    39      14,781  LP CW      4.3    GA
> W4BW      0       99       99    35       6,930  LP         3
> K4IR     34        0       34    21       2,142  QRP CW     2.6
> K4GA     30        0       30    18       1,620  LP CW      ?
> 2.  Oceana DX SSB
> K4BAI              3        3     3          18  SOHP 15M   .1
> K4JRB              1        1     1              SOHP 40M   .1
> 3.  Spartan Sprint QRP
> K4BAI     72                                 72             2.0
> I am sure we had a few SECC members not listed above who participated in
> CQP.  W3DCG hasn't joined the club yet, but indicated he might and would
> count for the next contest he participated in.  Good work last weekend.
> I will be unable to operate in contests this weekend, but will try to
> summarize the contests being run by Thursday or Friday AM.
> 73,
> John, K4BAI.
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