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[SECC] Result of Voting on Proposed Amendment to Constitution

Subject: [SECC] Result of Voting on Proposed Amendment to Constitution
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Fri Oct 8 23:38:11 2004
John Laney wrote:

> There were a lot of comments on the reflector, but the only actual
> statements that indicate voting either in favor or against the proposal
> were:  For:  3.  Against:  1.

I must admit that I share John's sentiments on the number of members
voting. This is just too few. Again, it's our Club and what we make of
it is what we give. Please, in the future, keep in mind that you never
have to explain why your voted in any matter, but you should vote.

> Note, however, that this does not change the 175-mile radius circle.  It
> only provides a mechanism by which it could be changed for the future.
> I assume it would not be changed temporarily unless it could be
> determined that such a change would be accepted by the sponsors of a
> particular contest.

Of course, as John points out, this addition only provides a
mechanism. However, I again point out that no Contest sponsor has the
right to dictate to us what shall be in, or not be in, our
Constitution and ByLaws. Any attempt to involve these various sponsors
will merely serve as just cause to propose a permanent change in the
circle, and I again would like to point out that was not my intention.
I want to keep everyone, but do think that if a person critical to the
circle is not even interested in a particular contest, it is only to
our advantage to change the circle to include one who is.

Work on compiling those members who do fulfil the 2 contests per year
requirements is going very slowly, but it will be done, and our rolls
will decrease as a result of it.

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