N2XD SC 1184 403 1,211,821 26.5 hrs. SOABHP
WX4TM AL 1284 415 1,206,820 30 SOABLP
K9MUG AL 1035 387 937,314 24 SOABHP
NR4X GA 334 184 130,660 ? SOABLP (?) By K4SB
AE4Y GA 347 176 110,528 14.5 SOABLP
WB6BWZ GA 339 147 91,728 25.8 SOABQRP
NA4W AL 293 183 83,631 13 SOABHP By K4WI
KZ5AA AL 77 64 12,864 7 SOABQRP By K4VU
A real good showing, especially for an RTTY contest. K4EA was
apparently active, but hasn't reported his score yet. Don't know if
KU8E was able to get operational on RTTY during the contest period or
not, but he is at PJ4R this weekend for ARRL DX CW and will be looking
to work all SECC members on all bands, of course.
It would be very nice if you would put down your club as SECC both on
3830 reports and especially on your log submissions.
2. 2004 Dutch PACC Contest
CQ QSOs Ph QSOs Mults Score Hour Category
K4BAI 104 17 42 5,082 4.6 SOHP
KA1DWX 90 27 37 4,329 6.5 SOHP
N4GG 25 0 16 400 2 SOHP
I was able to work Dutch stations on all bands, 80 through 10, and on CW
on all bands and on SSB on 20, 15, and 10. There was a good sunrise
Sunday opening on 80 and 40. Lots of interesting new calls and prefixes.
3. 2004 Asia-Pacific Sprint Contest
K4BAI 1 QSO x 1 mult = 1 point.
This ran from 11 to 13 UTC on 40 and 20 meters. 40 meters (at least
above 7025) was pretty much shot by the RTTY contest QRM and 20 meters
didn't seem to be open to Asia-Pacific at that time. JA6GCE pulled me
through on 40 M!
4. FISTS Club Winter Sprint.
K4BAI GA 141 x 35 = 23,835.
Worked no GA or AL. Did work WA3GNW on 15 meters. Bands seemed to be
good. Worked one IK3 station and heard G3KYF working the contest, but
missed him. This 4-hour contest has a slower pace and seems very much
like QRP contests except the power is not so limited.
5. 2004 OMISS QSO Party.
K4BAI 15 x 11 = 330.
Non-members apparently can only work members, so you can just listen
around for a member to CQ. They like to congregate on a net frequency
and operate like a net. You can eventually work through to them. I
heard and worked at least one GA station. 75 meters was good to the
West Coast. I think the only real contester that I recognized in the
contest was W7KB who is either formerly K6IF or it was K6IF operating at
W7KB. W7KB had a teriffic signal from Utah on 75 meters.
John, K4BAI.