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[SECC] The ARRL's answer to the code/no-code debate

Subject: [SECC] The ARRL's answer to the code/no-code debate
From: wb4sq at (Gary McConville)
Date: Wed Jan 21 11:19:09 2004
They didn't say it was unanimous.  Is there any way to
determined individual votes?

Gary - WB4SQ

--- Lee Hiers <> wrote:
> On 20 Jan 2004 at 20:04, Sherman Banks wrote:
> > Your best bet is to vote for representatives that
> think like you do.  They
> > only propose these things because they believe
> they can get re-elected with
> > these policies.
> For at least the past two terms, the SE Division
> Director 
> has been unopposed.
> 73 de Lee
> -- 
> Lee Hiers, AA4GA
> Cornelia, Georgia
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> SECC mailing list

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