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Subject: [SECC] K4OGG, CWSS
From: (Jay Pryor)
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 11:38:18 -0500
Finally broke 1,000 QSOs.  Unfortunately I missed two sections: AK and 
NL.  At one point I messed up and I wonder how I will be penalized.  I took 
a 30 minute break and went to watch some of the Falcons game.  I went back 
to the radio just before 30 minutes was up, heard a new station, called him 
and logged him 29 minutes into what was supposed to be a 30 minute 
break.  My guess is that I will lose 13 QSOs that I made the final 30 
minutes of the contest.  Does anyone know how that's handled?

It's always fun to run into SECC folk.  Conditions seemed to be great.  I 
think I'm finally getting comfortable using the second radio.  Had 69 
second radio QSOs.

Here's the summary:

    BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

    80CW       35          35         70       0
    40CW      503         503       1006      15
    20CW      409         409        818      52
    15CW       85          85        170      10
    10CW       19          19         38       1

  Totals     1051        1051       2102      78

     Final Score = 163956 points.


Jay, K4OGG

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