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[SECC] Field Day

Subject: [SECC] Field Day
From: (Allan & Bridget)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 00:10:51 -0500
At our Field Day we didn't have the participation we would have liked, so
our score will be a bit down this year.  The QSO total was 1,265, but don't
know what the points are, nor do I know the band/mode break downs (haven't
put it all together yet).  We operated SSB, CW, and PSK31 this year.  Since
we ran a delta operation we weren't able to gain any of the bonus points, in
spite of the fact that we had a "GOTA" station and had media coverage...all
this we do for fun.

And yes, Field Day is usually where all the inexperienced amateurs come out
of the woodwork to operate the radio, but I've found that this is often the
time when a lot of our locals (in the past, anyway) get interested in
upgrading and contesting.  We usually find that supervision is needed for
not only the non-hams, but also those who only operate 2m FM and can't
understand SSB signals for the first hour or so...KG4OPC still uses a script
that her mom keeps with her, and either her mom or I are always by her side
to help her pull calls out.  Rebekah has already decided that she much
prefers CQing to searching and pouncing, so I see great things for her.  =)
For the others, one of the more experienced hams usually logs so that the
one operating can read the call off the screen (as someone else
mentioned) the end of the weekend most of the guys are greatly
improved.   While it IS very hard to sit by and watch, it is very gratifying
when this person shows up at the next test session or so and upgrades, or at
least realizes that the world of 2m FM suddenly seems very two-dimensional.

There's also the social aspect, something missing in our club, so this is
important as well.  It was good to see K4WI join us for a short
while...always an honor when he makes the trek from Faunsdale to Tuscaloosa.

Bridget, KS4YT

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