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Subject: [SECC] K9AY ARRL 160
From: (Gary Breed)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 11:24:22 -0500
Although I had a pretty good list of thing to do this past
weekend, I found a little time to operate.  Friday nite, I got 
on in the evening, but with no 160 antenna, I ran the 80M delta 
loop through a tuner.  I made 62 QSOs in 1-1/2 hours or so, but 
I wasn't very loud and the band was poor.

Saturday, my painting/fixing jobs went smoothly, so I took an
hour to drop the 80M loop and hoist the 160 inv-L back up.
I laid out a dozen radials 60 to 130 feet long on the ground.
No RX antenna, so I had to use the inv-L for receive as well.

Results:   407 QSOs, 65 mults = 55,964 points
           Single-op Low Power (100W) 
The computer says 6-1/2 hours operating time.  Started calling CQ 
about 0130 and got 92 QSOs in the next hour, 78 the next hour.  
Not bad rate for 100W; it's fun to be "fresh meat" on the 2nd nite!

DX included VP5K, FM5GU, J26JT, KH6ND and KV4FZ. I could hear
several EU stations when they called the big guns, but none
called me and I never heard any of them CQing during my limited
operating time.

Most sections missed were out West -- SCV, SJV, SF, SV, MT, EWA, 
VE6, VE7 etc. I would have gotten some more if I stayed up later.

Lots of SECC activity -- worked W4WA, WA4TT, W9JI, K4EA, K4BAI,
W4NTI, N4DU, KA9EKJ, KS4YT.  My impression of the contest was
that activity was great despite the condx.  I've already seen
several comments of "more QSos and fewer mults."

I'll be one sporadically in the 10M contest -- probably low power,
maybe QRP if the band is good.

73, Gary

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