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[SECC] Comments requested.

Subject: [SECC] Comments requested.
From: (Gary Breed)
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 15:42:26 -0400

> I need some comments from club members and those who are subscribed to the
> SECC reflector on the CQ 160 Contests.
> 1.     Looks like the Cabrillo format will dominate the logs next year
(almost 40% were this year) and I am looking at conversion programs for the
old format (mainly NA and CT).   I also need software to check Cabrillo
Any ideas?

Contact N6TR and N5KO, who were involved in the development of Cabrillo and
assisted the ARRL computer log checking efforts.

> 2.    There is controversy on two topics this year (again).   The first is
what is the cutoff for uniques (unverified Q's)?  Don and I defined this as
7% in 1990 before considering DQ.    We did not want to crimp those who
the time, effort, and $$$ to build a great station but if you knew some of
logs you would know that there are few that push the envelope.  Unlike say
meters anyone who gets on 160 to work a club member usually gets carried
and works several more stations. Thus uniques even in ON4UN's or WB9Z logs
are less than 2%.

I think 7% is a generous figure, 5% is probably OK.

> The second is a growing practice (GW3YDX says he has this on tape)
to have someone hold a freq while they work mults across the bands.   What
he found was pre-arranged holding of a freq not just giving up a freq like
has happened to me in the past. (and to almost everyone at one time or
GW3YDX recommends DQ or at least reclassifying the stations to M/O.

If "proof" is indisputable, DQ is appropriate, but proof is going to be hard
to obtain without designated observers. Re: 160 -- 2-radio/single band is
completely feasible with the right antenna isolation and filtering, so one
make QSOs at different frequencies in a very short time period, "ping-pong"
between two frequencies without actually transmitting simultaneously on

> 3. We have been looking at several exchange possibilities for DX.   The
two that have been recommended include power (like the ARRL DX) or Grid
square.    K1MEM and K2EEK liked age (as in the JA contest with 00 (zero
zero) being the default.   Ideas?    To have a consistent check this is a
requirement for DX logs as all reports are 599/59 (except for KH6CC and

I'm not sure a change is required. Almost any exchange has a degree of
predictability. It will only take a couple years for SuperCheckPartial to
include Grid Square for active contest stations. Serial number is kinda
"ho-hum" and power is only a bit more useful.

If you want to get adventurous, use exchange that was received from the
previous QSO -- ham radio "Post Office." It's one way to be random!

The 160 contests could use a real exchange for DX -- 599 is pretty lame
by itself and we already know the DXCC country. As it is, all we statesiders
need to do is copy the callsign and verify that we are the station being

> Thanks for your time and have a great summer!
> 73 Dave K4JRB

Thanks for asking us for input, Dave!

73, Gary

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