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Re: [RTTY] New proposal for a Automated Digital Contest

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] New proposal for a Automated Digital Contest
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV via RTTY" <rtty@contesting.com>
Reply-to: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists@subich.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 14:23:18 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

> One question, is it legal for a automated station to beacon, i.e.
> call CQ?

It's not a beacon (a one way transmission) if one is soliciting a
contact.  However, to be fair and set a good example, MMTTY and 2-Tone
would need to be extended to provide a "channel busy" signal to hold
off CQ transmissions or automatically QSY prior to a CQ if the
frequency was busy.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 4/19/2014 1:58 PM, Terry via RTTY wrote:
Well my last proposal flopped big time but it spawned a very interesting
thread on the history of RTTY RU and the amount of efforts spent in
processing contesting results.    Thanks for all of the comments.

So I am now thinking about proposing a new contest.  The contest would be
used to study propagation.  The initial thoughts are somewhere along the
line of a RTTY sprint contest but do it in a fully automated way.    Since
its automated it should probably be done in the FCC sub-bands set aside for
automated digital stations.    In order to do a proper study of propagation
we probably need to run the contest 24 x 7.

Both client and server software would need to be developed to support the

The client software would:

1.       Interface into MMTTY and 2-tone

2.       Initiate a contact or accept a contact and exchange the contest

3.       Interact with a central server  logging QSO's/Scores

4.       Interact with a central server reporting the frequency the station
is listing on

5.       Interact with the station radio to control the frequency

The server software would:

1.       Take care of logging QSO's and scores

2.       Take care of sharing station operating frequencies

3.       Provide a FTP site where raw QSO data could be downloaded for folks
interested in propagation studies

4.       Provide a web site that automatically summarizes and displays
contest results

Most of the software is fairly straight forward.   The hardest part would be
providing support for radios that are not available for testing.

Since the end goal is to collect propagation data, stations would be
encouraged to run SO2R and even SO3R covering several bands at once.

The results of the contest would be automated and published on the web site
with weekly, monthly and yearly totals.   Perhaps we could get a sponsor for
a few plaques for the yearly awards.

One question, is it legal for a automated station to beacon, i.e. call CQ?


Terry   AB5K

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