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Re: [RTTY] Is it just me?

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Is it just me?
From: Steve Bookout <steve@nr4m.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 15:55:10 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hello guys

Already placed an order for 300


Steve, NR4M

On 4/16/2014 3:50 PM, Jeff AC0C wrote:
I would buy a button and wear it.


-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Stai
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 2:47 PM
To: Don AA5AU
Cc: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Is it just me?

If I was going to be there I would too. Someone who will actually be in
Dayton should probably take charge of this. This company is ham-operated
(Tom McShane, NW6P is the GM) and might even do them for nothing if you
asked nicely:

73 jeff wk6i

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Don AA5AU <aa5au@bellsouth.net> wrote:

Jim wrote:

"I was thinking maybe a Dayton style button with RM-11708 on it with
the red circle and diagonal line through it wearing that would generate
plenty of heartburn and create conversation with the uninformed . "

Actually I think this is an EXCELLENT idea. It would be even better to
have t-shirts made with the emblem on the front. I don't plan on going to Dayton but if I did, I certainly would be wearing the t-shirt and/or button.
73, Don AA5AU

> From: Jim AC0E <ham@odsgc.net>
>To: ws7ik7tj@gmail.com; rtty@contesting.com; ww3s@zoominternet.net
>Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:39 AM
>Subject: Re: [RTTY] Is it just me?
>Jay, Jamie & group,
>I have no problem believing someone just dropped the ball. With the
>uproar the past year concerning RTTY/Digital, ARRL, and the fiasco that
>RM-11708 has turned into I think a reasonable person ( I just love that
>lawyer phrase of my ex/wife the lawyer) could see very small chasm to
>bridge. I stand corrected.
>I will say for the record (love that one also!) that Amateur Radio is
>more than "just a hobby" for me and many many of my fellow Amateurs.
>I was thinking maybe a Dayton style button with RM-11708 on it with the
>red circle and diagonal line through it wearing that would generate
>plenty of heartburn and create conversation with the uninformed .
>Especially while wearing my call sign shirt and ARRL Life Member badge..
>73 -- Jim AC0E
>ac0e at arrl dot net
>On 4/15/2014 10:02 AM, Jay WS7I wrote:
>> The RTTY forum wasn't cancelled at all. Someone failed to renew it.
>> That has happened before and Shelby K4WW can tell you what an effort
>> it is to make sure to get on the Dayton list every year.  Dale Sinner
>> before him.  All of this stuff is new to someone and its just a hobby
>> and it didn't get done.
>> Conspiracy theories indeed. And the Razor is right. "the simpler one
>> is the better" someone just forgot.
>> Its just like the RTTY dinners, when someone was doing the hotel, the
>> dinners, the forum for guys it was a huge success. Once those people
>> stopped so did all but the forum which Shelby kept going for years.
>> Thanks Shelby!
>> Everyone should enjoy the new RTTY dinner and thank those that put in
>> the work to do it all.  Tell all of them thank you.
>> Wish I was going to be there. W7RY just get on a earlier flight!
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