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Re: [RTTY] Is it just me?

To: ws7ik7tj@gmail.com, rtty@contesting.com, ww3s@zoominternet.net
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Is it just me?
From: Jim AC0E <ham@odsgc.net>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 06:39:01 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Jay, Jamie & group,

I have no problem believing someone just dropped the ball. With the uproar the past year concerning RTTY/Digital, ARRL, and the fiasco that RM-11708 has turned into I think a reasonable person ( I just love that lawyer phrase of my ex/wife the lawyer) could see very small chasm to bridge. I stand corrected.
I will say for the record (love that one also!) that Amateur Radio is 
more than "just a hobby" for me and many many of my fellow Amateurs.
I was thinking maybe a Dayton style button with RM-11708 on it with the 
red circle and diagonal line through it wearing that would generate 
plenty of heartburn and create conversation with the uninformed . 
Especially while wearing my call sign shirt and ARRL Life Member badge.. 8-)
73 -- Jim AC0E
ac0e at arrl dot net

On 4/15/2014 10:02 AM, Jay WS7I wrote:
The RTTY forum wasn't cancelled at all. Someone failed to renew it.   
That has happened before and Shelby K4WW can tell you what an effort 
it is to make sure to get on the Dayton list every year.  Dale Sinner 
before him.  All of this stuff is new to someone and its just a hobby 
and it didn't get done.
Conspiracy theories indeed. And the Razor is right.  "the simpler one 
is the better" someone just forgot.
Its just like the RTTY dinners, when someone was doing the hotel, the 
dinners, the forum for guys it was a huge success.  Once those people 
stopped so did all but the forum which Shelby kept going for years.  
Thanks Shelby!
Everyone should enjoy the new RTTY dinner and thank those that put in 
the work to do it all.  Tell all of them thank you.
Wish I was going to be there. W7RY just get on a earlier flight!

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