Given 2 operators of equal ability, the same rigs and antennas, and of
within a few miles of each other.... one op is SO1R and the other
operator is SO2R...
Who would you expect to have the higher score ????
To say the SO1R would win would be a bad bet I think..
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Not to beat the ANTENNA OVERKILL horse...
> On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 18:05:16 +0000, you wrote:
>>For all you SO1R whiners, it's not the second radio or the big antennas
>>that makes you lose, it's the operator. If K3MM, KI5XP or AA5AU (please
>>don't be insulted if you're a big gun and I left you out, hi) ran 1
>>radio with tribander, or perhaps even dipoles, he would still beat you.
>>And last, grow up. You should know by now life isn't always fair.
>>Barry W2UP
> ------------ REPLY SEPARATOR ------------
> No need for the insults, Barry.
> We are not whiners and we are fully grown up, and yes, we know life
> isn't always fair. However, that doesn't mean that unfairness should
> be encouraged or rewarded.
> No one is asking for a guaranteed win, only for competition on an
> equal basis, as much as possible. Of course stations will never be
> exactly equal and we realize that, but in the past new categories have
> been created when it became apparent that some kinds of operation had
> significant advantages: HP vs LP, MO vs SO, assisted vs unassisted. We
> feel the same applies to SO1R vs SO2R and the time has come to
> recognize the fact.
> Don, AA5AU, has been quoted as saying SO2R has a score advantage of
> about 40% or so. Don't you think that is significant? I do.
> Bill, W6WRT
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