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RE: [Propagation] (no subject)

To: <>
Subject: RE: [Propagation] (no subject)
From: "David Ackrill" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 06:09:16 -0000
List-post: <>
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Charles Greene

>This morning I was explaining the HFProp program to another ham over the 
>phone.  I noticed the program showed there were no propagation on 3.5 MHz, 
>and he countered that he could hear all kinds of S9 signals.  What 
>progagation mode does these near vertical signals use, and why don't 
>propagation programs show them?  Same on 160 and to a lesser extent on 40.

Possibly because most propagation prediction programs are predicting low
angle 'DX' propagation?

If you want the local F2 Critical frequency (the one where signals go almost
straight up and down, try looking at this map.

At the moment, the nearest line to me is 4MHz, so I would guess that working
stations in the UK and Europe would be good at the moment (06:08 UTC) as the
day goes on I expect the frequency to increase a bit.

Dave (G0DJA)

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