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[Karlnet] IP Freeze

To: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: [Karlnet] IP Freeze
From: Dan Metcalf <dan.metcalf@wbsysnet.com>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 08:49:28 -0400
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Has anybody had any success on fixing the IP freeze bugs? now I am seeing this on all my AP's 3 times a day, sometimes I have reboot the AP's myself to fix this... at this point its ruining my networking as 1 single CPE can take down the entire AP and stop IP traffic for the other CPE's on that AP

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