>Take a look at the docs on our site
>"1.1.5 - Max Tx Rate KBits/Sec
>If you wish to limit the maximum data transmit rate for a particular
>interface, you can enter a the maximum number of kilobits the TurboCell
>Station is permitted to transmit per second. For example, if you wish to
>have 500kBits/sec maximum on the Wireless card you would enter a 500 in
>the field for the interface. This is useful to alleviate overpowering of
>remote sites or to limit the bandwidth used by a particular TurboCell
>Station. NOTE: This only specifies the transmit rate not the receive
>rate. If you want to use the TurboCell Bridge/Router as a two-way
>throttle, then you must specify the desired rate for both interfaces. "
btw, a few things have changed w/ v 4.x