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[CQ-Contest] Self-spot not allowed in IARU HF Championship

To: <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Self-spot not allowed in IARU HF Championship
From: "Christopher Paulin" <chris@paulinslate.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 13:08:11 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
As it should be:  the ARRL made a very poor and ill informed decision that
was also very badly executed, to allow self-spotting in their contests.
Many of us are refusing to participate in their contests as a result of
Good on IARU and CQ for refusing to go along with this self-spotting
nonsense, and continuing to run the finest and most well attended contests
in the world.
Cheers and 73,
Chris N8ACP
"I was sure that the IARU HF Championship was an ARRL contest, and 
therefore allowed self-spot like the others.
However, the rules (https://www.arrl.org/iaru-hf-world-championship) it 
is clearly state that self-spot is not allowed.
In doubt that the rules were not up to date, I wrote to the ARRL Contest 
manager who replied:
"As IARU is not an ARRL sponsored event (we process the logs and publish 
the results), Self Spotting is prohibited in the IARU HF World 
Was I the only one who had this doubt? :)
73 Paolo IK3QAR"


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