I will observe with GREAT INTEREST the signals coming from KP4KE's station
with a verified 5W QRP signal. I have numerous times observed KP4KE
claiming QRP and being the loudest Carib station on the air on 80M in
contests. Beating or equaling 8P5A and PJ2T and PJ4DX at the time. I am
ready to be amazed but expecting to be confirmed of the reality of the
situation there.
By the way, in 2003, I remember working KP4KE and him asking me to spot him
in ARRL DX SSB (violation number 1). I am never connected to the cluster
anyway so I just ignored the request but shook my head. A week later I
received an email from a friend who was surprised that I had spotted KP4KE
in the contest and was wondering if I was running assisted. Sure enough, I
showed up as having spotted KP4KE right around the time of working him.
Imagine that.. The whole incident was reported to the ARRL. I don't think
anything came of it. I am sure that KP4KE self spotted himself using my
call as cover (violation number 2).
As the saying goes.where there is smoke there is fire.
See you in WPX CW as NV1N
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