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Re: [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 201, Issue 12

Subject: Re: [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 201, Issue 12
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 05:05:09 -0400
List-post: <>
On 9/19/2019 12:30 PM, Jay Terleski wrote:
I get a kick out of this tube thread. But let me try to add some sanity to
the weirdness of it.

There is no way we, Array Solutions, told anyone to run the amp at or near
the high power limit to avoid cooking the tube.
Just tune it normally and keep the screen current at zero ma.  Your gonna
be OK at lower power output.
Isn't that violating the tuning for Tetrodes?  The guide for Tetrodes 
for (best linearity/best IMD) is to PEAK the screen current at what ever 
power you are running, not set it at zero
73, Roger (K8RI)

Also with these tubes you want to make sure your filaments are very close
to 9V.   So watch the mains voltage. many parts of the country are getting
wall over 247V AC mains and that means your filaments may be running high.

Best wishes to the group.
Jay, WX0B

Jay Terleski
Array Solutions
214 954 7140

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 11:00 AM <> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

    1. Re: Failure of a pair of FU728F (Greg Wasik)
    2. Re: Failure of a pair of FU728F (Joe Subich, W4TV)
    3. Re: Failure of a pair of FU728F (
    4. Re: Failure of a pair of FU728F (Leigh Turner)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 14:13:39 -0400
From: Greg Wasik <>
To: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Failure of a pair of FU728F
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Guessing that if you wanted to run legal limit AM with the OM4000 you would
want to avoid any long pauses in your modulation so that the average power
is at least 1KW.  A dead key would be deadly...


On Wed, Sep 18, 2019, 4:22 AM Roger (K8RI) <> wrote:

On 9/15/2019 4:39 PM, Paul Christensen wrote:
"A friend of mine ruined the finals in his OM4000 by running the amp
Array solutions told him the amp is designed to be run full power or
close to it.
73 de Mike W9OJ"
Which is a bit confusing. As I understand as the amps are sold they
require a lot of drive for the legal limit as there is a gain limitation
requirement. The input circuit must be modified to get the amp's full

HOWEVER the FU728F requires about 60 to 70% of full power before the
screen current flows in the proper direction. Although not large there
is a reverse screen current area.  With the proper voltages and drive a
single FU728F can hit 2500 PEP output, or 2000W carrier in the Emtron

73 Roger (K8RI)

I nearly ruined the FU-728F in my OM Power 2000A+ because the cathode
running cold.  My QRZ page describes some details.  Bottom line:  don't
assume the power transformer tap (i.e., 250V, 240V, 230V) matches the
utility line voltage.  Choose the tap that results in 9.0 VAC on the
filament, exactly as to spec.  That will result in an adequately heated

My AC mains runs at 255V.  The remote site is the only subscriber on
drop.  I initially set the amp's tap to 250V but the filament was
starved as
the high tap resulted in 8.0-8.5V.  Filament voltage dropped even
when the amp attempted to make full power.  The first clue to all this
occurred about six months after installation.  I noticed a fast 50%
output power when keying the amp.  When keying the amp, it would
produce full power, then quickly drop.  At first, I was going to blame
component heating in the RF deck but the root cause was much simpler.

Another recent issue with the amp was step-start.  The step resistor
before its fuse could open.  The wirewound resistor's winding could
take so many surge events before opening.  I ended up stacking two
resistors at 2X the value in parallel to equally divide the surge
between them.

Paul, W9AC

Amps mailing list
Roger (K8RI)

Amps mailing list


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 17:13:41 -0400
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Failure of a pair of FU728F
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

"Legal limit" AM is 375 W of carrier -> 1500 W PEP.  Whether the OM4000
can be tuned properly for that operating condition is another story.


     ... Joe, W4TV

On 2019-09-18 2:13 PM, Greg Wasik wrote:
Guessing that if you wanted to run legal limit AM with the OM4000 you
want to avoid any long pauses in your modulation so that the average
is at least 1KW.  A dead key would be deadly...



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 01:18:01 +0200
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Failure of a pair of FU728F
Message-ID: <AF52D62FEE5247E782E83EF1C142AFAF@DJ7WW2>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Yes, the pi net design values for 4KW PEP are quite different to 1.5KW.
If designed for 4k, circuit Q will be almost doubled for 1.5k.
And I doubt it can be tuned on 10m with that high tube impedance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [] On Behalf Of Joe Subich,
Sent: Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 23:14
Subject: Re: [Amps] Failure of a pair of FU728F

"Legal limit" AM is 375 W of carrier -> 1500 W PEP.  Whether the OM4000
can be tuned properly for that operating condition is another story.


     ... Joe, W4TV

On 2019-09-18 2:13 PM, Greg Wasik wrote:
Guessing that if you wanted to run legal limit AM with the OM4000 you
want to avoid any long pauses in your modulation so that the average
is at least 1KW.  A dead key would be deadly...


Amps mailing list


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 14:02:42 +0930
From: "Leigh Turner" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Failure of a pair of FU728F
Message-ID: <88975500115041D28F75A2B180A1F51F@Invertech>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Yeah running a tetrode based muscle amp as a linear for AM is problematic
and caution must be exercised in obtaining optimal plate loading and choice
of plate load line not causing excessive power to be dissipated in the
tube....and associated poor efficiency. That internal heating is what
warped the delicate and closely spaced control grid structure (yielding the
tube's high power gain) causing the unfortunate heater short and
catastrophic failure in BOTH tubes.

The OM4000 amp's tank circuit is optimised for running at or near

In a Pi or Pi-L tank network one ideally needs a variable inductor to
accommodate proper tuning for widely disparate levels in RF power output.


-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [] On Behalf Of Greg Wasik
Sent: Thursday, 19 September 2019 3:44 AM
To: Roger (K8RI)
Subject: Re: [Amps] Failure of a pair of FU728F

Guessing that if you wanted to run legal limit AM with the OM4000 you would
want to avoid any long pauses in your modulation so that the average power
is at least 1KW.  A dead key would be deadly...


On Wed, Sep 18, 2019, 4:22 AM Roger (K8RI) <> wrote:

On 9/15/2019 4:39 PM, Paul Christensen wrote:
  "A friend of mine ruined the finals in his OM4000 by running the amp at
low power.
Array solutions told him the amp is designed to be run full power or very
close to it.

73 de Mike W9OJ"
Which is a bit confusing. As I understand as the amps are sold they
require a lot of drive for the legal limit as there is a gain limitation
requirement. The input circuit must be modified to get the amp's full

HOWEVER the FU728F requires about 60 to 70% of full power before the
screen current flows in the proper direction. Although not large there
is a reverse screen current area.  With the proper voltages and drive a
single FU728F can hit 2500 PEP output, or 2000W carrier in the Emtron

73 Roger (K8RI)

I nearly ruined the FU-728F in my OM Power 2000A+ because the cathode was
running cold.  My QRZ page describes some details.  Bottom line:  don't
assume the power transformer tap (i.e., 250V, 240V, 230V) matches the
utility line voltage.  Choose the tap that results in 9.0 VAC on the
filament, exactly as to spec.  That will result in an adequately heated
My AC mains runs at 255V.  The remote site is the only subscriber on the
drop.  I initially set the amp's tap to 250V but the filament was starved
the high tap resulted in 8.0-8.5V.  Filament voltage dropped even further
when the amp attempted to make full power.  The first clue to all this
occurred about six months after installation.  I noticed a fast 50% drop
output power when keying the amp.  When keying the amp, it would
initially produce full power, then quickly drop.  At first, I was going
component heating in the RF deck but the root cause was much simpler.
Another recent issue with the amp was step-start.  The step resistor blew
before its fuse could open.  The wirewound resistor's winding could only
take so many surge events before opening.  I ended up stacking two
identical resistors at 2X the value in parallel to equally divide the
surge current
between them.
Paul, W9AC

Amps mailing list
Roger (K8RI)


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of Amps Digest, Vol 201, Issue 12

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Roger (K8RI)

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