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Re: [Amps] Fan Noise in GS-35b Amplifiers

Subject: Re: [Amps] Fan Noise in GS-35b Amplifiers
From: Bill Turner <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 08:31:48 -0800
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On 2/19/2014 8:07 AM, Jack C. Shutt wrote:
  the 100 CFM squirrel cage blower that is recommended

100 CFM is a lot of air. You might try slowing the blower down while monitoring the tube seal temperature at full output. The critical points on the tube are where ceramic and metal meet. Use the temps specified in the data sheet.
Also, be sure all the air is going to the tube and not leaking around it 
or leaking elsewhere. If you already have a tight fitting chimney, fine, 
but if you don't, a replacement glass from a Coleman lantern fits 
perfectly. Be sure to measure before you buy - there may be different 
sizes. I installed mine with a few dabs of RTV silicon. Solid mount and 
easily removed when  you need to.
Color-sensing paint and crayons are available from McMaster-Carr and 
73, Bill W6WRT

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