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Re: [TowerTalk] 140' guyed tower worth?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 140' guyed tower worth?
From: Chuck <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:05:58 -0400
List-post: <>
Thanks. I’d been hoping to sell the tower for the cost of removing it. But 
steel is costly these days and there’s a metal recycler just a few miles away 

My motivation is, there is a new owner for the site (passed down from the 
father, who had been great to work with). The new owners have talked to a 
lawyer who’s convinced them this is a gold mine and they should be charging 3x 
what we’re actually making from the tower per month. Listing the customers and 
what they pay has made no impact on his thinking and what he’s telling them. So 
the solution is to take the tower down and strand the ~15 customers who get 
their “high” (ish) speed internet from the tower. I won’t be held up for ransom 
and take a loss in the process. I can’t.


> On Sep 25, 2024, at 8:12 PM, <> <> wrote:
> With no tower data this is impossible to answer but I am guessing that it
> has a negative value if you have to hire a crane and staff to remove the
> structure.  One option might be felling the tower and selling the scrap
> metal.  There was a recent thread on this subject:
> GL
> John
> Chuck wrote:
> Is there any value to a 140' guyed tower from a resale standpoint? I know
> more information is ultimately needed, but the tower in question was erected
> about 12 years ago but is no longer needed.
> Any rough estimates on the cost to bring the tower down?
> Thanks,
> Chuck
> --------------
> Chuck Bartosch
> Point Broadband
> 200 Pleasant Grove Road
> Ithaca, NY 14850
> (607) 227-5500 (cell)
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