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Re: [TowerTalk] Mosley Antenna Question

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Mosley Antenna Question
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:06:31 -0500
List-post: <">>
I too have had Mosley antennas over the years (TA33 and TA36) and in
both cases I noticed a significant improvement in performance when I
replaced the TA33 with a Cushcraft A4 and the TA36 with a HyGain
TH7DXX (neither of which is a "high performance" tribander by modern

K7LXC will not "talk his book" but I will say that multiple unbiased
antenna range tests - including those reported in the K7LXC/N0AX
"Tribander Test Reports" - have shown that the Mosley antennas perform
more poorly than any other manufacturer's multiband yagis of similar
boom lengths.  Some tests even showed certain Mosley antennas had
*loss* compared to a dipole at the same height above ground.


  ... Joe, W4TV

On 2015-02-17 4:25 PM, Richard Solomon wrote:
I had a similar setup (except mine was a PRO-57A) and had
similar excellent results.

Without specific data I can only conclude that some folks have
had some bad experiences therefore all their antennas are "bad".

Not from where I stand, and the proof is in the pudding, as they

73, Dick, W1KSZ

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 2:11 PM, David Blake via TowerTalk <> wrote:

I've had outstanding results with Mosley antennas, especially the PRO67B.
With my PRO which was up from 1994 until I moved in 2010 I never had a
problem or complaint.  DX results were excellent.  I worked over 320
countries all 6 bands the antenna is designed to cover.  When it was taken
apart, all the stainless hardware, nuts and bolts were in good condition.
I used the Pentrox or whatever it's called that was supplied by Mosley on
all joining sections and they came apart easily.  It withstood shear winds,
ice and snow in central Ohio.  I sold it to a very famous DXer who had been
using a Mosley PRO57 for 20 years and wanted to upgrade.  I ran an Amertron
AL-1200 which easily ran full legal power and achieved Honor Roll status on
both Phone and CW.   I have issues with Mosley, but they are not related in
performance or ability to stand up year after year.  You must purchase them
from Mosley, delivery can take months at times.  Not sure if this is still
the case or not.  Think they every charged my credit card before shipping.
I also had a 1961 TA33 which was upgraded to a TA33 with the 40KR kit and
taken down when I moved in 1987.  Again I never had any problems.  No
servos, thin plastic insulators, pop rivets or hose clamps.

73Dave -N4DB-

      On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 1:13 PM, K7LXC--- via TowerTalk <> wrote:

  >  Over the years I have heard stories of unexplained  failures with
antennas which were equally unexplained as having to do  with the selection
of certain coax cables. One recent incident was with a local  here that had
trouble getting a PRO 67 to ?cooperate? only with the use of RG  213 cable.

     A Mosley PRO series? My condolences.

     My experience has been that the PRO Mosleys are  very sensitive to
anything near them. This includes 2M verticals, etc. And you  have to have
exact feed arrangement that they show. Both will cause  problems.

     Test the antenna with an analyzer at the feedpoint  and work your way
back to the shack from there.

Steve      K7LXC

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