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Re: [RTTY] RM-11708

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RM-11708
From: Ron Kolarik <rkolarik@neb.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2016 01:24:56 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Oh my, this won't end well and no I'm not going to touch it. One of the other
dinosaurs might want to chime in.......


On 10/15/2016 1:02 AM, Lee - N2LEE via RTTY wrote:
Bill, I am probably the odd man out here because I believe the FCC should adopt 
this change.

But the issue is NOT bandwidth it is getting rid of the archaic Symbol Rate 

Right now all data modes on HF are limited by 300 baud symbol rate. This means 
that as new
compression and transfer protocols are developed we would be prevented from 
using them
even if they use the exact same bandwidth we are using now.

Also, by removing the 300 baud symbol rate the US would be brought inline with 
every other
country. For example Canada and Mexico use the same HF frequencies we do but 
are not
limited by symbol rate. So if this were and issue it would already be a problem. Which 
it isn�t.

There is an awful lot of Chicken Little scare tactics and hyperbole about this 

There is a need for the Amateur Service to move forward and allowing some form 
of increased
symbol rate is overdue. CW, RTTY and narrow band JT modes are not going to 
change. But there
is more and more of a need to transfer emergency traffic quickly and 
efficiently when cell and internet
services are not available.

Right we are limited to Packet and PSK-Mail at 300 baud but there are multiple 
open source, government standards and commercial protocols that can
transfer 5 times the data in the exact same bandwidth.

Personally I think arguing against this change sounds a lot like AMers who 
complained about SSB. Higher data rates are enviable. We have become a data
oriented society.


Lee - N2LEE

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