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Re: [Amps] Bird Element Calibration?

To: Paul Whatton <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Bird Element Calibration?
From: Gary Schafer <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 10:02:12 -0500
List-post: <>
Paul Whatton wrote:
> Gee guys this Bird 43 accuracy debate is so sad. And it misses the 
> point. In countries around the World radio amateurs knew they were 
> buying the best. The certainty that Bird 43 with a 2.5kW slug in the 
> feeder brought them made their station better and actually helped them 
> work that DX!
> And now you are trying to destroy all those dreams! Have you all no shame?
> The 43 comes from the modernist school of design, a time when things 
> were right, shouldn't be questioned and there was no uncertainty. 

To some it is like a religion. To even think of questioning it you will 
be accused of blasphemy.

Gary  K4FMX

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