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Re: [TenTec] Power Supply temperature

To: Brian Carling AF4K <bcarling@cfl.rr.com>, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Power Supply temperature
From: Dave Edwards <kd2e@comcast.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:42:07 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Bry.....If I get a chance, I'll get into a CW QSO tomorrow, and see what the heat sink does.
My S meter performs fairly normal...or like other rigs.
Dead band, s meter lies on zip or S1...but I can always find signals that are 20 or so db or more. If I coax switch back and forth between several other rigs...its in the same range.
On 2/18/14 9:20 PM, Bry Carling wrote:
Thank you Clayton,

It sounds like this is a very common thing with Tentec Radios / Power supplies 
of the 1980s.
Maybe into the 1990s as well. I am sure the engineers just expected you to keep 
things from
touching the super hot heatsink back there, and also never to live in Florida 
(grin!) A fan is
definitely going to get added.

I have been loving this OMNI VI Plus though. The S meter is a terrible liar, 
and my noise level
can be anywhere from S2 to S6 here on most bands. It hovers around S4 usually 
which is
annoying, and it rarely ever reaches S9 even on the striongest signals.

I still manage to have a lot of contacts, especially with the SKCC Group. This 
afternoon I
worked a guy up in the northeast who was using a Heathkit HW8 and running 8 
watts out. He
hit S5 on my S meter which is an actual S7. Not bad for 2 watts.

73 de AF4K, Bry

On 18 Feb 2014 at 17:25, Clayton Brantley wrote:

Brian:  Might want to measure the voltage at the large cap and then
deduct the output
voltage from that first measurement.  That will tell you how much is
dropped across the
pass transistor.  If you have more than a few volts difference then
all that has to be
dissipated as heat.  It's the old I squared R thing.

73 Clayton N4EV

On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 8:00 PM, Brian Carling
<bcarling@cfl.rr.com> wrote:
I will do the same and report results.
Best regards - Bry Carling

On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:16 PM, Dave Edwards <kd2e@comcast.net>
I'll go turn it on now.
20 meters, medium volume.

On 2/18/14 4:12 PM, Brian Carling wrote:
Thank you Dave. I think it does get hot just on receive only. I
will try it that way for a while this afternoon. If you could do the
same and tell me what you find I would appreciate it.
Best regards - Bry Carling

On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:33 PM, Dave Edwards <kd2e@comcast.net>
What happens on receive only?
I can turn my OMNI VI Plus on, let it sit for a while and see
how hot it gets if that will help.

On 2/18/14 1:27 PM, Bry Carling wrote:
I have noticed that the power suply with my OMNI VI Plus seems
to get extremely hot, even
wit hcasual CW operation.

Has anyone else noticed the same? I can barely touch the fins
on th eback.
Thanks for any insights.

Bry AF4K

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