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[TenTec] Re 02 2.0444A questions

To: "tentec@contesting.com" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re 02 2.0444A questions
From: "Emerson, Thomas" <Thomas.Emerson.Jr@morganstanleysmithbarney.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 09:31:08 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Hey Ray,
Not sure how well this is going to work. I'm at work now, just checking for 
replies via the archives on this work station.
OK, here's your answers. I have all the filters installed. It does not do it on 
cw. It mostly occurs on 75m, at night, when lots of strong signals and QRM are 
around. And it's not like it's happening constantly, just occasional popping in 
the audio, if very strong signals are on frequency or nearby.
I usually keep the filter on ssb set at 2750 hz. I'm thinking maybe I need to 
cut it below 2400, and let that roofing filter kick in. Will try it tonight.
And the hardware nb is off.  Using nr helps, and moving the agc slope from flat 
to one of the other 2 settings eliminates it. But I prefer to keep agc slope at 
the flat setting, so I'm hoping someone else has experienced this and found a 
solution other than the agc slope adjustment.
I would think that adjusting the agc menu settings (decay, hang, threshold) 
would do it, but I haven't found the right combo yet.
Jack W4TJE

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