I used the FSK keying circuit specifically for the OMNI VI Plus shown on
http://www.aa5au.com/rttyinterface.html to build a COMM port to radio
I used a 2N4402 PNP transistor. As shown, pin 3 (TXD) of the DB9 comm port
goes through a 1K resistor to the emitter. The base is grounded, and the
collector goes to Mark/Space on the rear of the OMNI VI Plus. When I try to
RTTY, all I get is a steady tone. The radio is not being keyed. (PTT using
a 2N4401 NPN transistor work fine, no problem.)
Has anyone built their own transistor FSK and PTT interface and got it to
work? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
KA5M, Marsh
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