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RE: [TenTec] Jupiter vs 746 PRO

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Jupiter vs 746 PRO
From: "John Clifford" <johnclif@ix.netcom.com>
Reply-to: johnclif@ix.netcom.com, tentec@contesting.com
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 09:52:29 -0800
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Well... Sometimes there is bias (an opinion not backed up by objective fact)
and sometimes there is truth.  For example, just because everyone is sitting
around at the local gun club complaining about gun control doesn't mean that
they're wrong.  Maybe gun control IS a bad thing.  (I think so.)

Similarly, maybe there isn't a bias here. Maybe those who have had both DO
find that the Jupiter outperforms the 746 Pro. I can't comment on reception
quality, but after perusing the reviews on eHam I find that many 746 Pro
owners like the radio and its features, but are angry about the finals
problem... they didn't buy a receiver, they bought a transceiver.

With radio technology being what it is, I think that there are very few QSOs
that could be made with any one radio that couldn't be made with another,
not excepting a comparison between the Orion and an Icom IC-718.  The reason
the Orion/756 Pro II/etc still sells is because many hams want to make those
'very few' QSOs and don't want to be limited by their equipment.

I have considered buying a Jupiter and also the 746 Pro.  I don't really
need another radio but this is America and what does need have to do with
it?  From examining the features of these two radios I get the impression
that, while the Icom is subjectively 'better-looking' the Jupiter is more
flexible, has better ergonomics, a tougher and more robust PA, and sells for
less.  Of course, those who bought the Jupiter when it was first introduced
instead of the 746 didn't have to trade their radio in for the updated
version, and that is a feature also.  Back it up with Ten-Tec's reputation
for service and you might understand that my tilting towards Ten-Tec and the
Jupiter doesn't reflect a bias but instead a JUDGEMENT.

One ham's opinion...

 - jgc

John Clifford KD7KGX

Heathkit HW-9 WARC/HFT-9/HM-9
Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2/KPA100
Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1, Centaur, 238B
Alinco DR-605TQ, DJ-V5
Icom T90A

IRLP #3978

email: kd7kgx@arrl.net

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