Dear CC,
- You DQed me for 4 cheerleading spots from local hams who always
listen to me from their radios/SDRs and make recordings of me
- Both hams confirmed that they were NOT asked to spot me
- Your miss-interpretation of the single QSO I made with non-mult
station was explained.
- You did DQ me for what you < feel > happened (< Feel > is the
word you used), no proofs given.
- I requested a Skype call, you accepted. Then you never answered
my reminders to set a time for the call.
- You ruined my contest participation, my reputation and 2 years
hard work for WRTC2018.
- Does your suspect feelings deserve this ? would it be better to
remove points/penalty at least since you don't have proofs ?
As a < cheater >, please avoid calling 3V8SS in future contest. I will make
sure you're not in the < cheater's > log anyway even if you're in a multi Op
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