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[CQ-Contest] WRTC & PED

Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC & PED
From: w4an@contesting.com (Bill Fisher W4AN)
Date: Wed Jun 13 01:28:02 2001

Attention contesting court of popular opinion!

If you were rating a contester (like we are doing for the WRTC selection
process), would the dayton pile up competition or results from a PED-type
competition figure in your opinion?

It was part of WRTC-2000 afterall.

Interestingly, I don't recall seeing one application (resume) that
mentioned the Dayton Pileup tape competition or PED results.  

My personal opinion is that a computer generated pileup or equiv
competition is not even remotely part of this hobby (radio contesting).  
If the competition doesn't involve a radio hooked up to an antenna, then
it isn't radio contesting.  Based on the resumes submitted, it would seem
the competitors (at least the USA guys) don't consider it either.

Is it different in Europe?  What am I missing?  

Why was it part of the 2000 event?  Why would it be considered for future

Just curious.


Bill Fisher, W4AN

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