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Re: [WriteLog] voice keying with internal radio sound card

To: Writelog Reflector <writelog@contesting.com>, "writelog@groups.io" <writelog@groups.io>, Jeff Stai <wk6i.jeff@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] voice keying with internal radio sound card
From: Don AA5AU <aa5au@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 22:47:59 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
 There was a very good article in the January 2012 CQ magazine by Jamie Dpuree, 
NS3T, titled "Who Needs a Microphone for a Phone Contest?". I still have a copy 
and back in 2018 I used the article to help me set up voice files for WriteLog 
using a program called Audacity https://www.audacityteam.org/download/.
I used a $5 mic/headset to record the files. During the ARRL International Grid 
Chase in 2018, I entered as many contests as I could. Not one who enjoys 
yelling into a microphone, I was able to use my voice files with WriteLog to 
run several PHONE contests without having to use a microphone. It was just like 
CW and RTTY, just working the keyboard.
You can find past issues of CQ magazine, including the January 2012 issue here:
73, Don AA5AU

    On Friday, February 28, 2025 at 04:38:10 PM CST, Jeff Stai 
<wk6i.jeff@gmail.com> wrote:  
 hi - I don't phone contests very often, you will be able to tell in a
second. :)

I have a radio that has an internal sound card on a USB port. Let's say
what kind of radio doesn't matter for the moment**. What I want to do is be
able to record my messages using the microphone on the radio using
shift+Fn, thus creating a .wav file, and play them back using using my Fn

This seems like it would be perfectly obvious how to do this but after
googling and trying stuff for quite a while, I'm left stumped. I'm not
getting a recording, no .wav file is showing up. I know the mic is working.

thanks! - jeff wk6i

** I'm currently trying to get this working on a K4 to see how it's done,
but later I'm going to another shack where I'm going to want to set this up
on an FTDX10. Thus the generic question.

Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.jeff@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
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