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Re: [WriteLog] rig control through a serial port enabled

To: Alexander Kopp <akopp@drkoppmd.com>, writelog@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] rig control through a serial port enabled
From: Jay <ws7ik7tj@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2019 10:59:58 -0800
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
In writelog select setup >> writelog options >> ports.  That opens a screen where you assign under the com port
the radio.  An example com4  under rig type select FTDX-5000 set baud rate.

Microkeyer stuff I don't use so good luck with that.  No Doubt Joe will answer you to some degree here.

On 12/25/2019 8:31 AM, Alexander Kopp wrote:
How and where in the WL do I enable RS-232 rig control? I am using a Yaesu
5000 and microKeyerIII and interface with Win4Yaesu.
I would like with a mouse click on a cluster spot to  tune my  radio but
for this to work I need RS-232 control enabled.
Appreciate help.
Thank you,
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