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[WriteLog] Turtle Beach Montego II and Win2000

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Turtle Beach Montego II and Win2000
From: gaskoub@mhtc.net (George Skoubis)
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 18:43:17 -0500

Hi Everyone,

  I'm wondering if anyone has been successful with getting Writelog to work
with Win2000 and the Turtle Beach Montego II sound card?  I have been using
this sound card with Win98 SE with no problems.  I have a Athlon 700 mhz
processor and have configured my computer to dual-boot Win98 and Win2000.  I
can hear my radio through the speakers but I get a message "Unable to Open
Sound Board For Receive" when I open the RTTY program.

  I've tried the .ini file override using 1-7 as the line-in number.  I've
used the SBControl Program to make sure it was set to line-in (yes, I've
already made sure that's the setting it should be, I can hear output volume
from the line-in changing when I move the slider up and down).  I get a 7f
score when I run the sbrdchk program. I've also recorded and played back
audio from the radio using sound recorder successfully so that is working

  I've tried V10.11, 10.16 and the new 10.17f and get the same results (rig
control works fine, just the soundcard problem).

I've looked at the Voyetra Web site for new drivers for the sound card but
they don't have any yet.

If you've been successful getting the Montego II and Win2000 to work
together or can think of something that I haven't tried please send me a

George / KF9YR

(In rainy Dodgeville WI, 10.5 inches of rain last month, an all-time record
for here, send us some Texas Sunshine Don!)

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