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[VHFcontesting] FwD: Huntsville Hamfest Microwave Activities (Flyer Atta

To: VHF Contesting <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] FwD: Huntsville Hamfest Microwave Activities (Flyer Attached)
From: Mark Thompson via VHFcontesting <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Mark Thompson <wb9qzb_groups@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 21:34:36 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
----- Forwarded Message -----
 From: LoWeb@esp-inc.net <loweb@esp-inc.net>To: Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 at 
02:47:10 PM CDTSubject: Huntsville Hamfest Microwave Activities
On Aug. 17th and 18th of this year, the Huntsville Hamfest 
(https://hamfest.org/) will take place in Huntsville, AL.  
Traditionally there has been a VHF/UHF/Microwave forum on Sat. afternoon, but 
this year will emphasize the microwave bands with two hours devoted to the 
forum and several other microwave activities before and after the forum.  
There will be a “Meet & Greet” dinner on Friday evening (order from the menu), 
the forum itself, a tune-up range for 10 GHz, and operating activities for 
those wanting to gain contest points since the 10 GHz & Up contest coincides 
with the hamfest.  
The attached agenda details the schedule of events below, so here is an 
opportunity to meet and work your fellow microwave operators, some that you 
don’t normally work or meet.The more folks that attend, the more contacts you 
can have for the contest, so come and join in the fun while attending a great 
hamfest with all of the major dealers and equipment manufacturers.  
The antenna tune-up and contest operating location takes place at the parking 
garage for the hamfest, and the hamfest and flea market are indoors in an 
air-conditioned environment.  
Now isn’t that cool! 



·      6 p.m. FRI, AUG. 16TH – Meet &Greet dinner at Valley Hill Country Club, 
8300 Valley Hill Dr., Huntsville, Ph.256-883-0850.  Please inform Jay, K4NKT,of 
your plans to attend.  K4NKT, Jay, Ph.256-503-1128, email: k4nkt.jay@gmail.com.

·      2 p.m., SAT, AUG 17th – Hamfest MicrowaveForum Presentations, Hour I 
will concentrate on 10 GHz; equipment for the band,modes of propagation, etc.  
Don, KD4APP,will have test equipment (power meter, spectrum analyzer, signal 
generator) formeasurements and testing for 10 GHz.

·      3 p.m., SAT, AUG 17th – Hour II willdwell on 24, 47, and 78 GHz.  
Operatorson these bands have been invited to bring their expertise and 
experiences topresent to attendees for getting on these bands.

·      4 p.m., SAT, AUG.17th – The microwaveactivities will pause for the 
regular hamfest drawing for one of the majorprizes for the hamfest.

·      4:30 p.m., SAT, AUG 17th – Operatorscan walk across Monroe St. to the 
Von Braun Center Parking garage for antennaadjustments using a weak signal 
source. See image below.

·      4:30 p.m., SAT, AUG 17th – TV TowerScatter contacts.  Von Braun 
ParkingGarage to Monte Sano TV Towers to remote locations.  See image below.

·      7:30 p.m., SAT, AUG 17th – Concludeoutdoor testing/operating and adjourn 
to Old Heidelberg Restaurant for dinnerand conversation.

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