K1TR has operated VHF contests from Mt. Washington and has done very
well in the SOLP category. The weather can be very challenging and even
dangerous in summer: high winds are common, snow and ice are possible,
hypothermia is possible (setting up/taking down in a cold rain can be
life threatening if you are not aware of hypothermia). K1TR's brief
report on 2004 Sept. VHF (look at the pictures):
I vaguely remember K1TR operated a contest from Whiteface Mt. in the
Adirondacks; that would be an interesting experience. I might be
misremembering that.
More popular portable locations are Pack Monadnock (southern NH) and Mt.
Wachusett (FN42); these are both excellent locations and have less
challenging weather. My radio club often operates from Mt. Wachusett on
Field Day; mosquitos are more of a challenge there in June than extreme
Walter, K1CMF
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