UGLY! Conditions were very poor. I awoke at 6:15A and had the rover in position
at 7AM in FN20ie near my home. Wx was excellent but even the 2m sigs were up
and down.
Completed on 1.2, 2.3 & 3.4 with K3TUF and on 1.2 with K3CB for 4 QSOs and
393Km. Worked on 2 but unable to QSO on micros were: KE2N, W3HMS, N2RG, K3MD,
I probably left for home just when a lot of others started to be active, but we
were having a build session with our 2304 MMDS rigs at WA2OMY. I was able to
get my LO tuned, tripler and mixers, filters, and buffer all set TNX to Gary
and Bruce WA3YUE. Just a bit more and we'll be ready to get it on the air also.
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