JAs have been worked in the June VHF QSO Party contests in years past.
Back in the early 90s I worked a JA in the June VHF QSO Party while operating
at WB0DRL's station in EM18. WB0DRL ran 1.5 KW and a Cushcraft 'Boomer' yagi on
6M. It was a tough QSO to complete. The contest thatyear had great Es. We
almost made 1,000 Qs (would have been the first contest entry to do so - had
about 975after dupes). Worked 49 states - missed Hawaii. I worked JA7QVI via
Es June 2006 while running 100 W and a 2 el yagi. Much easier contact. :-)
Here is a challenge - try for a "Worked All States" on 6 Meters in the
contest! good luck and hope the bands are open. - Jon N0JK
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